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Just wait a little till i will reorder them.

  1995: a star was born ... ... to be sincere, it was only yhe titel of the internal review on which the interview was published.
But anyway, it was the occasion to sow that in Italtel the Internet was becoming a way of work: starting from the name:

I 4 WEB (i-for-web)

standed for "Italtel and Internet phase II".

The question to which I had to answer was: "What can Italtel do with Internet?". I replied "We already are at hte stae-of-the-art (the Ip network, the browser, the first Intranet and Internet sites). What we can do is to do more and better: the second phase of the usage of Internet technologies".

for non Italian reader: the introducing sentence to the article is "With Internet it is not possible to make the coffee.."

Notizie Italtel, n.1 , gennaio 1996
Internet in Italtel phase II (I4WEB)
Italtel news, no.1 , January 1996
Italtel & Internet, phase II (I for web)
  Smithsonian Computerworld Award In the while, Italtel described the experience of using the Network and Information Systems not only for support company's technical and economical processes, but also as a mean to communciate to personnel and to improve professional skills.
In 1996 the work was valuated as worthy for a nomination in the final selection for Smithsonian Computerworld Award.

Here is the prize (original award and medal) and the published text

Notizie Italtel n.3 , Maggio 1996
Il Computerworld Smithsonian Award (CWSA) alla Rete Italtel
Italtel News no.3, may 1996
The Computerworld Smithsonian Award (CWSA) to The Italtel R&D Communication Network.
  1999: the "top 20" of the TLC managers in Italy I didn't pay for this (I swear).

In 1999 on a specialized review, this list was published in an article on the "few, valued and strategic" managers expert on TLC.

BUSINESS, Gennaio/febbraio 1999
La Top 20: i manager piu' quotati sul mercato delle telecomunicazioni nelle aziende di servizio e di infrastrutture

BUSINESS, january/february 1999
Top 20 TLC managers in the italian manufacturing and services companies.